Effect of biochar on growth, yield, and quality of beetroot


  • KWIZERA ENOCK Prof . Nancy and Prof. Opiyo


The utilization of biochar to enhance soil nutrient content, plant growth, and overall soil health has generated interest from growers and researchers alike. Low soil fertility which is the primary cause of the low yield of beetroot is still a problem in Eastern African countries in Kenya. The purpose of this review is to assess the effect of biochar on the growth, yield, and quality of beetroot through the enhancement of soil fertility.  Beetroot is grown on about 7 million hectares around the world, with a total production of 240 million tonnes. Beetroot production in Africa increased from 1.21 to 14.3 million tonnes from 1970 to 2019, expanding at a yearly rate of 6%. In Kenya, it is grown in counties such as Nakuru, Kiambu, and Tharaka Nithi. The review has been done through analyzing the previous articles on the ability of biochar to increase crop productivity. It has been documented that incorporation of 5,7.5 and 10 t/ha of biochar in the soil will increase growth and yield by 30, 48, and 56% respectively.  However, there are still few reviews about the effect of biochar to enhance beetroot yield. This creates the knowledge gap of the application of appropriate rates of biochar, which would go a long way in improving yields. Therefore, small-scale farmers will benefit from this review since it can address all the possible rates of biochar to increase beetroot yield.



How to Cite

ENOCK, K. (2022) “Effect of biochar on growth, yield, and quality of beetroot ”, Egerton University International Conference. Available at: https://conferences.egerton.ac.ke/index.php/euc/article/view/125 (Accessed: 24 October 2024).



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