Egerton University 14th Biennial International Conference

The Egerton University’s 14th Biennial International Research Conference was held from 23rd -25th March, 2022. The conference, organized through the Division of Research and Extension, brought together researchers, academics, students and other sector experts in various disciplines to a common forum, to share and exchange information, research outputs and products. The theme of the conference was “Research and Innovations for Resilience in a Changing Environment”.
During the event, participants presented papers under seven sub-themes namely: Transformative Agri-food Systems; Health Systems, Science and Technology; Innovations in Climate Change and Natural Resource Management; Transformative Education for Social-Economic Adaptability; Resilience and Ruptures in Governance and Geopolitics in Africa; Literature, History and Culture; Entrepreneurship, Business and Trade.
During the conference, 98 papers were presented either orally or as posters. The conference attracted 1,053 attendees drawn from local and international universities, research institutions, county and national governments, local and international NGOs, and private sector organizations. Participants from 30 countries interacted with the conference website. The top 10 countries represented at the conference were Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, United States, South Africa, Rwanda, South Sudan and the United Kingdom. Read More...