Impact of Water-related Collective Action on Rural Household Welfare in the Upper Ewaso Ng’iro North Catchment Area: The Application of the Endogenous Switching Regression
Water governance, collective action, welfare, Upper Ewaso Ng’iro North Catchment, Endogenous Switching Regression, JEL Classification: D71, Q01, Q25Abstract
Key among government strategies to promote efficient and participatory water management in Kenya is through empowering local communities to manage water resources through Water Resource Users’ Associations (WRUAs) which is a collective action initiative. However, there is contrasting empirical evidence on the welfare benefits households derive from this water governance mechanism. The study applied the endogenous switching regression to estimate the causal impact on household consumption per adult equivalent and household income per adult equivalent. The results indicate that WRUA membership has a positive and significant effect on household consumption per adult equivalent and household income per adult equivalent. The results show that non-members would have significant welfare improvements in their household consumption and incomes if they undertook WRUA membership.
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